FragTrade invests in quality photography

On the 11th of June, 2022, FragTrade announced that the pictures were going to improve, with the addition of their brand new Olympus TG-6. This camera was specially designed for divers, in picturing detailed photographs and videos, under water to a depth of 60 metres without even a case. It features a 12 Megapixel sensor, 4X optical zoom lens, numerous sensors and, of course, serious protection against the elements. The announcement of an impending improvement of Coral Picture quality was done via a 30 second trailer on the FragTrade YouTube. The video was titled ‘FragTrade Goes Professional’

The following day, on the 12th of June, 2022, FragTrade released another, brand new showcase video. However, the difference between the new pictures on this showcase video were a major upgrade, in comparison to the first ever ‘FragTrade showcase’. The video featured stunning pictures of LPS such as goniopora and lobophyllia, SPS including montipora and stylophora, and close up photography of soft corals like zoanthids and neon green kenya tree. All of which were photographed from the comfort of their own home, FragTrades ShowTank and Frag tank. Watch the new ‘FragTrade Showcase’ below:

Finally, with a newly improved camera, FragTrade can finally get to work on furthering the ambition of creating a fully comprehensive bank of specific ‘Coral Care’ requirements right next to every
coral listing, as you shop on our store. In the previous article FragTrade set a target of making full ‘Coral Care’ Videos, as
well as full coral descriptions and water quality recommendations, for each and every listing FragTrade
creates. So far FragTrade has a fully comprehensive description, along with water quality recommendations for every listing on the FragTrade website. However, due to Mike and Matt having a busy university schedule, paired with the desire to invest in a new camera, no new videos since the ‘Duncans Corals Care’ Video were launched. That is until the 16th of June, 2022, days after the new showcase, FragTrade produced a breathtakingly quality video, to continue the ‘Coral Care’ series. But what coral was it?

To read the full FragTrade’s new ‘Coral Care’ Video initiative, click the link below:

The coral of choice was Zoas, or zoanthid in latin. The video comprised of top view footage of FragTrades zoa garden in the FragTrade showtank along with zoa frags and colonies in the FragTrade Fragtank. Close ups of Zoas of a multitude of different colours and species were present. Narration and photography was from FragTrade Co founder Matt Billups, while the video was produced by Michael Liporata (also Co founder of FragTrade). Watch our Brand new ‘Zoa Coral Care’ video below:

FragTrade hopes to continue impressing customers with an ever improving collection of YouTube videos (YouTube-FragTrade21), whilst interacting with FragTrade customers in Facebook advice groups
(Facebook-FragTrade) and our Instagram (Insta-FragTrade). We are always here to help you in your Marine
Journey, so follow us on all the previously mentioned platforms, sign up for our newsletter, or
directly contact us on

If you wish to shop Zoas on our website, click the link below:

Thanks for reading, and keep fragging your way to a sustainable hobby, with FragTrade!

Matthew Billups.

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